
We have 15 Years of Experience of any kind it solution

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Whatever your business may be whether you run a creative agency, a digital studio.

Budgeting & Planning

Consolidation & Reporting

Cash Flow Management

Experienced Consultants

We Have Global Network Of Clients

Fintra EPM serves most commonly in Turkey but have some customers in Netherlands and Gulf Area.

We Have 15+ Years Of Experience Of EPM

<p>With an experience of more than 10 years and more than 15 projects, Fintra EPM, especially with its knowledge and experience on the CCH Tagetik product, provides solutions with its customers in many reporting needs such as financial transformation, legal reporting, legal and managerial consolidation, budget, estimation, etc. in the light of successful projects in the past. serves to produce.</p>

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Our Team

Fintra EPM has experienced consultants in Budgeting, Planning, Consolidation and Reporting

Clients Testimonial